Contact us
Contact us

We help your idea to grow through

  • knowledge support

  • innovativeness

  • coaching

  • match-making

Developing technology for agricultural production in West Sweden

What does SmartAgri do?

SmartAgri provides free support to small and medium-sized companies in Västra Götaland and Halland which are developing technical solutions for the farms of the future. We also work to speed the adoption of new technology and digitalisation in agriculture.

Our job is to help your company to take the next step in developing your products and services. Along with knowledge support, match-making and coaching, we constantly monitor the latest invitations to tender and can also assist in writing applications. We keep abreast of events in the industry and collaborate with similar initiatives in Sweden and across Europe.

SmartAgri has an extensive network and can pass your questions and needs on to experts and researchers. We take an enquiring approach and discuss your general needs, barriers and ideas at an initial meeting which is free of charge.

Feel free to contact us. An initial discussion could be the start of something big.

SmartAgri - for the digitization of agriculture and technology development

We have produced a film to increase awareness of SmartAgri - how the project came about and examples of questions and companies we work with.

Do you have an idea?

For greater competitiveness and better changes of survival, there must be entrepreneurs with the curiosity, will-power and drive to ensure that new and innovative ideas make it onto the market. If you have an idea or have identified a need, SmartAgri can help you by producing a plan to support your efforts. Contact us and we will show you what we can do.
Let your idea flourish

Want to take the next step?

Agritech companies are in a very fast-developing industry. Global competition and new technology are shortening the product lifecycle and making margins tighter. Our job is to help SMEs in West Sweden to take the next step in developing their products and services. Contact us today to find out what we can do for you.
Take the next step

Are you keeping up?

It is incredibly difficult for business people to keep abreast of developments in existing technology and new innovations on their way onto the market. SmartAgri monitors all of this for you, focussing on technology to benefit farmers. Join us to find out more. Register for our events and choose what is particularly interesting to you.
Keep up to date


Our team

Anders Johansson
Projektledare / Project manager
Oskar Reineling
Eventkoordinator / Event coordinator
Anna Härnqvist
Innovationscoach / Innovation coach
Tomas Johansson, projektledare | SmartAgri
Tomas Johansson
Innovationscoach / Innovation coach
Kent Hjärpe
Innovationscoach / Innovation coach
Charlotta Wångdahl Kommunikatör | SmartAgri
Charlotta Wångdahl
Kommunikatör / Communication Manager
Kristina Anderback
Projektutveckling och finansiering / 
Project development and funding
Anna Lidefelt
Ekonom / Controller
Hugo Westin Innovation coach RISE | SmartAgri
Hugo Westlin
Teknikexpert spannmålshantering- och torkning / Technical expert grain handling and drying
Hugo Westin Innovation coach RISE | SmartAgri
Camilla Persson
Teknikexpert precisionsodling och växtodling / Technical expert in precision farming and plant cultivation
Hugo Westin Innovation coach RISE | SmartAgri
Filip Nilsson
Teknikexpert animalieproduktion / Technical expert animal production

Project partners

With financial support from

Our results in figures

Since 2018, SmartAgri has assisted more than 60 companies in developing their products and services. More than 30 of these companies have received more long-term support in refining their product and business ideas, and have been granted some SEK 70 million in public funding for their development work.
More about our customer cases



More than 90 companies have been helped to develop their ideas



More than 35 companies have received funding for their development work.



More than SEK 90 million raised to boost competitiveness in the green industries.
© 2018 – 2025 SmartAgri. All Rights Reserved.
Website by AlizonWeb AB.